Research and Development
Solving social issues through engineering research and development
Aisin has provided a wide range of competitive products worldwide through its global development system, its unique evaluation system, and the development of advanced technology in collaboration with a wide range of industries.
We will continue to focus on developing products for electric vehicles, clean energy technologies, and safe, comfortable, and convenient mobility products and services to achieve carbon neutrality, thereby further strengthening our competitiveness.

Research and Development Initiatives
Research and development sites
We have R&D sites in Japan and overseas that are conducting development activities to meet local customers' needs.

Other research sites

Digital transformation (DX) initiatives
The AISIN Group is working on DX in order to help achieve a rich and sustainable society by quickly providing high-quality products. We utilize digital information to improve the accuracy of simulations, reduce rework and shorten man-hours for development by consistent use of 3D data, and we strive to further enhance our global competitiveness by promoting group-wide data concatenation and connection in the development phase of each product on a global scale basis.
For details,please see the Initiatives toward Digital Transformation (DX)
Click here for more information
on our initiatives.