External Awards and Recognition

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

Sompo Sustainability Index



In 2023, we were selected for the “A List” (the highest rating) in the “Climate Change” category and rated as “A-” in the “Water Security” category by CDP, an international non-profit organization that evaluates companies' environmental efforts.

ESG Finance Awards Japan (Ministry of the Environment)

In the 5th ESG Finance Awards Japan program, we received the Bronze Award in the Environmentally Sustainable Company category, which, from an investor perspective, commends companies that incorporate material environment-related opportunities and risks into their management strategies to increase corporate value. The Bronze Award came to us in the second consecutive year, following the 4th year of this award program.

Aichi Biodiversity Company Certication

In FY2023, we were certified as an outstanding company in biodiversity conservation in the Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification program.

OECM Certication (Ministry of the Environment)

The AISIN Ecotope at our Handa Plant site has been certified as an OECM (a site conserved through “other effective area-based conservation measures”).


In 2024, we were certified as an OECM

Japan Biotope Grand Prize

In 2017, we won the Japan Biotope Grand Prize.

Digital Transformation (DX) Stocks 2024 (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

We were selected among DX Stocks 2024.

Digital Transformation (DX) Certication (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Since 2021, we have been selected as a “DX-certified company” under this program.


“White 500” certication under the 2024 Certied KENKO Investment for Health (KIH) Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program

We were recognized as one of the “White 500” enterprises (the “large enterprise” category) under the 2024 KIH Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, in the eighth consecutive year from 2017.

Sports Yell Company (Japan Sports Agency)

The Sports Yell Company program aims to encourage especially people in the prime of their lives to participate in sports activities, thereby stimulating general interest in sports. Under this program, we were certified as a company that actively promotes sports activities to enhance the health of employees.

Nadeshiko Brand (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

We have been selected as a “Nadeshiko Brand,” an outstanding company in women’s empowerment, for four consecutive years since FY2021.

Platinum Career Awards

In FY2021, we won the highest prize at the third Platinum Career Awards.

2-star Eruboshi Certi cation

In FY2020, we were certified as a “2-star” company under the Eruboshi Certification Program, a certification program based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life.

Platinum Kurumin Prize (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)

In FY2022, we received the Platinum Kurumin Prize in recognition of our support for parenting employees.

Outstanding-company commendation under the Aichi Company with Active Participation of Women program

In FY2019, we were commended as an outstanding company under the Aichi Company with Active Participation of Women program.

Aichi Prefecture Family Friendly Company

In FY2016, we were commended under the Aichi Prefecture Family Friendly Company program.

Development Bank of Japan (DBJ)’s Business Continuity Management (BCM) Rating

In FY2020, we were rated highest in DBJ’s BCM Rating.
(We used DBJ’s BCM Rated Loan Program with a rating of “being outstanding particularly in commitment to business continuity.”)

Participating initiatives and groups


We have been a TCFD supporter since we declared support in 2019.

TCFD Consortium

We have been a registered member since 2019.

Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

We obtained SBTi certification in November 2023.

Research Association of Biomass Innovation for Next Generation Automobile Fuels (raBit)

We have been a member since 2023.

Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation

We have been a member since March 2022.

30by30 Alliance

We have been a member since April 2022.

GX League

We have been a member since 2023.

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)

We have been a member since 2020.

Green & Digital Consortium

We have been a member since 2021.

Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A)

We have been a member since 2020.

Life Cycle Assessment Promotion Consortium (LCAPC)

We have been a member since 2022.

Japan Platform for Migrant Workers towards Responsible and Inclusive Society (JP-MIRAI)

We have been a member since 2022.

Sustainability rankings

Evaluation Held by FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Nikkei Smart Work Survey Nikkei Inc. Deviation: ★4.5 Deviation: ★4 Deviation: ★4
Nikkei SDGs Management Survey Nikkei Inc. Deviation: ★4 Deviation: ★4.5 Deviation: ★4
TOYO KEIZAI CSR Ranking Toyo Keizai Inc. 17st of 1631 companies 30th of 1702 companies 22th of 1714 companies
SDGs Corporate Ranking Toyo Keizai Inc. 36st of 1631 companies 65st of 1702 companies 43st of 1714 companies
Platinum Career Award Mitsubishi Research Institute 9st 16st 6st