In accordance with "AISIN Group Charter of Sustainability,” we, the AISIN Group of companies, contribute to the realization of sustainable economic growth and the resolution of social issues through fair, transparent and open competition in a socially responsible manner, while complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Contact with Competitors
We do not make contact with competitors without a legitimate business reason.
Exchange of Information and Agreement with Competitors
We do not discuss, exchange information or agree on matters that affect competition with competitors such as the prices, sales, conditions of sale, sales territories or allocation of customers.
Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position
We do not unfairly disadvantage our business partners in such a way as to lower the price without legitimate business reason, return products with our one-sided reason etc. by abusing our Superior bargaining position.
Procedures for Business Combination
We follow required procedures in accordance with applicable laws of each country and region, when we carry out acquisition, merger and business transfer.

Moritaka Yoshida
President, Member of the Board