AISIN offers products and services that contribute to safe and comfortable mobility and solutions to social issues through the use of location information technology refined through car navigation systems.

Rideshare Service “Choisoko”

We provide a rideshare service using location-based technology for the elderly and inaccessible communities. We provide this service according to local characteristics and needs, and currently operate it in over 67 communities.
* As of April 2024

Logistics Support Service “BRIDGES@ny”

We offer a total support service, from departure to arrival, by providing detailed information on delivery locations in addition to delivery plans and road guidance optimized for each logistics site. This is a service for improving efficiency and flexibility of delivery work.

Waste Collection DX (ReGoMe)

This system helps reduce the workload and increase the efficiency of waste collection operations and leads to reduction of waste, which is the intrinsic goal of local governments. The service supports the realization of convenient and clean communities desired by local residents.


Road Maintenance and Management Support Service “Michilog”

We offer a support service for road maintenance management by detecting abnormal road conditions based on information collected from operating vehicles, providing such information to the proper authorities, supporting formulation of repair plans and preparing road maintenance plans after repair.

