Aisin Academy -- Fostering Next-Generation Leaders Graduates taking on active roles at manufacturing sites
Aisin Academy graduates playing active roles at production sites
Nov.29, 2021
Aisin Academy is a place to nurture technical and production personnel who support Aisin’s reliable quality and excellent manufacturing.
Academy graduates who have completed rigorous training are already playing leading roles at production sites and are on track to become globally competitive next-generation leaders in manufacturing,
A strong sense of teamwork and connections with fellow students through training
・After completing training at the Academy, he participated in the WorldSkills Competition as a player and coach. He is currently engaged in the evaluation of newly developed electronic components.
・Certified as an Aichi Skills Meister (*1) in 2008.
*1 Aichi Skills Meister is a program launched by the Aichi Prefectural Government in 2007 to widely communicate the significance of manufacturing skills to residents in order to increase the number of people working in manufacturing. Talented individuals who can serve as role models for children and young people are especially desired for this highly visible program.
Onouchi talks about the strengths he gained during his Academy days.
“I developed a strong sense of community with my fellow students as we worked as a team both in training and in the dormitory. When working as a team, everyone freely expressed their opinions and exercised leadership.. I still have many opportunities to work with Academy alumni. I feel that my greatest strength is my strong connection with them.”
Onouchi also talks about his future goals.
“I would like to be involved in the development of products that are more convenient and useful to many people. When I see one of my products in use in a city, it makes me so happy and it makes it all seem worth it. I love manufacturing from the bottom of my heart, so I want to be involved in manufacturing while remaining close to the shop floor.”
Maintaining a ‘never-give-up’ attitude while problem-solving, without blaming others (for the causes of defects and faults)
・Joined the company in 1981.
・Assigned to the Machinery & Tools Department after completing training at the Academy.
・Engaged in various operations from machining to equipment assembly, and received the Excellence Award at the 2nd Monozukuri Nippon Grand Award for an ultra-compact caulking machine which he developed based on the nagara principle originating from Japanese traditional karakuri technology.
・Awarded the Contemporary Master Craftsman Award (*2) in 2016.
*2 “Contemporary Master Craftsman” is the common name for an outstandingly skilled worker who has been commended by the Minister of the Health, Labour and Welfare based on the commendation system for outstandingly skilled workers, which was established to improve the status of skilled workers and their proficiency levels. Over 6,000 people have been awarded this distinction since its inauguration in 1967.
Yamada looks back on memorable events at the Academy.
“One time, I told the instructor during a class that a portion of a part had been chipped. The instructor said, ‘It hasn’t been chipped. You must have broken it.’ At first I didn't understand what he meant. But he was saying that there must be a reason for the part to break, as it would not break or chip naturally, and that I should identify the cause. From this experience, I developed my ‘never-give-up’ attitude and learned the importance of the pursuit of investigation and have kept that perspective ever since. I think that is what led to my Contemporary Master Craftsman Award.”
Yamada goes on to talk about his future goals.
“First, I will create equipment that will enable innovative manufacturing and please our workers. I have a passion to develop equipment that can contribute to improving manufacturing operations by reducing costs or increasing operating rates. Such passion motivates me to do my best in my work. Another aspiration of mine is to mentor younger professionals. I would like to pass on my experience and knowledge to younger colleagues.”
Everyone has a passion for manufacturing.
At the Academy, students will acquire more than just innovative knowledge and skills. They will also grow personally to become the next-generation leaders in manufacturing.
In keeping with its mission of training students mentally, technically and physically, Aisin Academy will continue striving to develop human resources that provide new value to society.